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Contractor Motivation: Align Business Goals with Personal Goals

If there is no why, the how doesn't matterYour desire at the start of your business to create a richer, fuller life can diminish as the day-to-day realities of running your business consume your time and energy. You want your business to give you more of a life, not take more of your life. Having compelling (clear, meaningful, and powerful) personal goals crystallizes your thinking and provides laser-like focus that drives your life in the direction you want to go.

In the School of Entrepreneurship, there’s an exercise called "Your Personal Goals". In this exercise, Larry discusses how home service business owners can start making significant changes to their business and their life, by remembering and knowing their “why.”

Why did you start your business?

  • Financial Freedom
  • High Income
  • Being the Boss
  • A Sense of Adventure
  • Being Best in Your Business
  • Free Time
  • Expressing Your Creativity
  • Independence / Freedom
  • Building Wealth

What was your reason? If you’ve been in business for a while, remember back to why you began. If you’re new to your contracting business, think about it. Get clear. This “why” is a powerful motivator.

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Our newsletter is full of helpful business information for contractors. Sign up to receive it and as a thank you, we'll send you a link to download the free exercise on aligning "Your Personal Goals" with your business goals. 

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